When do you get to New York?
New York is certainly a city that always makes you want to go, and ranks first on everyone's list of places to go. However, it is worth considering a few points before you get pumped up.
Write: In the summer, New York can become unbearable both in terms of temperature and from the overtourist population. Even if you have received a New York City pass, you may have to wait long lines in many places where you can jump in line under normal circumstances, because of tourists like you who get passes. The stores you want to shop in, even the places you find online that are not tourists and locals recommended, are crowded with tourists. The people of New York are also aware of this situation and are overwhelmed, making room for tourists who flee to destinations outside the city (summer destinations such as the Hamptons) during the summer months. However, if you are planning to travel with the weather in mind, summer is guaranteed for you in any situation. That is, if your body is 37-40 degrees and resistant to excess humidity.

Winter: New York is overwhelmed by the extreme heat in summer, while winters can be extremely cold. New York is a very unfortunate place for extreme weather conditions, as you may be familiar with the news or from the movies that are engraved in our brains. But it's not snowing in the human neck, it's not flooding Wednesday, or it's going to be every third floor. As in the class disaster-themed American film, as long as the Statue of Liberty isn't toppled, it can actually be quite enjoyable to walk around New York these days. (If you come out prepared in thick clothing). If you're a good boy, you can stroll through the streets of New York, decorated with Christmas decorations, with light snow, fall and fall while ice skating on the runway in the middle of Central Park and fall in love with the x person who helps you, even the Smurfs. You can even see it.
Spring/Autumn : After all this talk, we'd better recommend an ideal time to go. Because it's neither too cold nor too hot. Moreover, the least preferred periods of tourists are that you are less likely to be trapped among the 300 Japanese tourists taking pictures. It is also possible to find more suitable accommodation alternatives.

Regardless of weather conditions, you can also tailor your trip to some important days and events in New York. The most well-known of these is undoubtedly the New Year's Eve celebrationsin Times Square. New York is a fun and fascinating place to spend New Year's Eve, even though there's a cold outside that can freeze your eyelashes and a large crowd you can't step in the streets. Don't worry, the next day on the news, "The harassment scandal in Times Square! Tourists had to climb at the bus stop" you will not see things like.

Other than that If you're in town on st. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, don't miss the elaborate parades, where a lot of people go from various states to see. Such parades are also held in the event that New York sports teams become champions. So much so that on a trip to New York, we even had a chance to unwittingly find ourselves in the parade of the Yankees, the World Series champions of Baseball that year, and meet Jay-Z, who was raping on a giant vehicle in the parade.

Getting around New York
First, since New York is also the name of the state, the goal is not to inadvertently go to an irrelevant point. It's a good idea to identify it as New York City.(Don't tell Bilal like you're telling it, but this is a detail that can be overlooked) if you're going to leave Turkey, you've already got options, you can't land with a zeppelin. You're going to fly in.
Considering the possibility of going to New York from another location in the United States, let's share details of all transportation routes with you:
*Airports - There are 3 airports that you can use to reach New York City; JFK International Airport, Newark International Airport and LaGuardia Airport. A direct flight from Istanbul only arrives atJFK Airport, but if you are going from another destination in the US, you can use other airports. (which is sometimes possible to find more suitable airline tickets to other airports)
Getting around from JFK
Metro: There's no subway directly to the city inside JFK Airport. But with the AirTrain departing from inside the airport, you can reach Jamaica station, one of New York's main train stations, in 15 minutes. If you transfer to the E metro from here, you can reach the centre (based on Times Square as the center) after a journey that takes approximately 30 minutes. This trip costs $7.50. ($5 AirTrain and $2.50 metro)
Taxi : A fixed taxi fare of $52 is applied from JFK to manhattan. However, this amount does not include toll fees and tips. Box office fees may vary depending on the route used, and you may even see $10 paid to toll booths in New York. When you return, you can start to cover the bridge fees in Istanbul as normal.

Getting from Newark
Metro: Newark Airport is also a means of transportation with the same logic as JFK transportation. The AirTrain at the airport terminals takes you to Newark Airport Railway Station in about 10 minutes, from which you can reach Penn Station, one of Manhattan's main train stations. you can take the train to the departing train. This train takes about 30 minutes and costs $12.50 one way.
Taxi: There is no fixed fare from this airport to the centre, but fares range from $50 to $65, depending on where you're going to manhattan. It makes sense if you're a few, but if you're one, it's a little crazy.
Getting from LaGuardia
There's nothing easy about getting to the center by subway at this airport. You might think, "How is this yozgat, how is this, but don't worry, you're more likely to use this airport because it's already in the background among other flight options. However, if you need to use it one day, do not attempt to use a train to make transportation more convenient. Because to get to the nearest train station, you first have to take the bus from the airport. Which puts the process going on a lot, and you're likely to get into the "i'll put a little more on it while I've given you this much and i'll take a taxi" account. As such, we can predict that you will want to take a taxi, so let's share the necessary information; Taxi to Manhattan for $25-40.

New York City is easy to reach by train from the surrounding states. Grand Central Station and Penn Station. These train stations, which you can come across in any romantic comedy set in New York, where you can often see people running behind someone in the form of "I've taken the gada to go!" (which may not be exactly so), you can get a little bit of a We're guessing it'll look familiar. Since both of these stations are very central and also the main metro stations, you can make things easier by replying on your metro route.
If you want to make fun of the name of the intercity/interstate train, it's absurd enough that no one will stand in your way; Amtrak . You can find more detailed information here. Don't worry, we're not directing you to a scoured site.  (We didn't want to make a more low-level joke here)
The most frequent public transportation in New York is, of course, the subway. If we haven't had enough of the words we use to tell you how advanced the subway is, we say take a look at the metro map below. Don't look at it as colourful and smooth, it's actually hard to understand the lines of the New York Subway in the first place. (or we have a problem). It is possible to encounter a station on every street. However, because not all of these stations are on the same line, you can determine the line you need to use (separated by numbers and letters) and detect which line you are on from the signs at the station entrance. We will elaborate on the metro fare in the budget section below.

In a city where the subway is so advanced and taxi getting into torture because of the traffic, you might be thinking, "Why should we drive a taxi?" However, the most "uncertain" and filthy subway spun in the world, the New York Subway, can sometimes cause people to take a taxi. You can use it without hesitation, especially later in the night. You can imagine it's pretty easy to find a taxi, so it's not possible to miss the yellow cabs that we're familiar with from every New York photo. The meter opens at $2.50 and then adds $0.40 for every 0.5 mile. At the same time, during peak hours (during rush hour rush hour hours to work) schedules may vary in some taxis, so don't feel like we've been ripped off right away.
*On foot
The best way to explore New York, of course, is to walk. We know that this is not very realistic because it is a very big city. However, when it comes to the same time as the time you spend understanding New York's subway lines, the same time you will reach on foot, it is not unreasonable to choose to walk. So the author here means that the New York subway system is pretty complicated.
We say explore New York on foot, but we're not saying just walk around. Because there are dozens of places to see in New York and no time to waste! We come to you with a few tips to help you walk consciously in the city and understand your direction;
– Most street numbers appear horizontally when you open the map, and are referred to as "Xth Street(e.g. 42nd Street), while vertical streets are called "Avenue" and numbered or named (e.g. 5th Avenue or Park) Avenue). As you progress, you can predict which direction you're heading, depending on how the numbers are decreasing and multiplying. As the street numbers increase, you're heading towards Central Park and the Upper East, and the less you're walking into the Lower East area, the lowest of Manhattan, the pier leading to the Statue of Liberty.
-Many places in the city are described according to which street and street intersect. For example, the Empire State Building is on 5th Avenue and 34th Floor. At the intersection of the street.

New York Budget
A trip to New York, or even a trip to America in general, can be one of the trips you need to spend the most time on. Even the prices of plane tickets alone can evoke a sense of "let this world sink". Of course, the price of the plane ticket and the accommodation fees can vary greatly depending on which period you go. When you decide to go, we recommend that you show insane airfare promotion and accommodation alternatives online.
One of the most important pieces we can give you about New York is definitely. Get a New York City Pass ora NewYork Pass. With these passes, it allows you to disgust other tourists by both free entry to and by passing rows to the most touristic sites in New York.
Places to log in for free and skip the queue with the New York City Pass:
*Empire State Building (Normally costs $32)
*American Museum of Natural History ($22)
*Metropolitan Museum of Art ($25)
*Top of the Rock ($30) or the Guggenheim Museum ($16)
*Statue of Liberty ($18) or Circle Line tour ($35)
*9/11 Memorial and Museum ($26) or Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum ($31)

If you're going to be in the city for a short time and don't think you're going to use a $30 subway, you can buy one-time tickets. The one-time subway usage costs $2.50 and is valid for 2 hours. When you first buy this ticket, you'll have to pay an extra $1. If you charge the same card on your next ticket purchase, you don't have to pay $1 again.
In addition, to give you a few tips to help you calculate your overall budget for New York. Like many people, your first reaction to America was "SHOPPING!" we don't know if you're in the right city (or if we're in the wrong place because you're likely to spend a lot of money). The budget you want to allocate for shopping is up to you. It is also possible to find the most expensive brands in New York, the lighters of those expensive brands, design boutiques, affordable stores. However, if you're one of those who go into the "I won't leave this city until I fill our reserve governor", you're going to see affordable prices just to get it and take a lot of things that say, "I bought this, but where am I going to use/wear it) and a lot of money in total. you're likely to spend. I'm sorry, but you're officially a slave to capitalism.... (We don't do that at all.)
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of alternatives to eating and drinking in New York. Luxury, intermediate, take out, fast food restaurants, different cuisines from dozens of races, so you have what you're looking for. ;
Water- Tap water is free in restaurants/cafes, and bottled water is not always easy to find. In restaurants, gas water is usually sold in bottles and is around $5-6. Bottled water in grocery stores is $1-2.
Coffee – Although we don't recommend it because we're spoiled after the coffee we've had in Italy and start to hate Starbucks coffee -- if we're a little exaggerated -- let's share it for example, here coffee is around $4-5. In our New York food and beverage guide, which deserves a separate fleece, the coffee is still around $3-5 in the cafes we recommend to you.

Beer- It's possible to find dozens of barrels and bottles of beer in america. American beers are usually more affordable than imported beers. In the average bar/restaurant, the price of beer can range from $3 to $10. Of course, it is possible to find even more expensive prices in nightclubs.
Cocktails- American bars are very creative and successful in cocktails. As such, one wants to try drinks/cocktails that he never thought of. Cocktails range from $8 to $15 at an ordinary restaurant/bar. Another issue where American bars are successful is Happy Hour. During Happy Hour, it is possible to buy all drinks and bar meals for half the price. You might want to pursue these opportunities to make the account a little more affordable.
Smoking- New York is the most expensive city in America where cigarettes are sold. Packages average $14. Let's also share it in TL to create a shock ingredient; 30TL. It is highly recommended that you

What to consider about your budget a few other tips;
*In restaurants/cafes in america tip expectation 18%-20%. Let's clarify the situation immediately before swearing (or outloud) here. Since the waiters' livelihood is only a tip (i.e. they don't get any salary), the expectation of tips is also quite high. We're not saying pity them here, or leave your whole assets, but we wanted to share the procedure with you in case you wanted to know. Finally, let's remind you that taxis expect a tip of 10%.
*In america in general prices never include VAT. The VAT rate varies from state to state and depends on what you buy or drink. In New York, the VAT rate on products, food/beverages is 8,875%. Purchases of up to $110 in the clothing industry do not include any VAT.
Accommodation in New York
When transportation is so advanced and easy, it is not difficult to choose the place to stay. Because wherever you stay in New York, it's easy to get to where you want because you're close to a subway station. Since Times Square is designated as a centre, accommodation options can be more expensive in the vicinities than in other regions. However, because it is in the middle of the city, it has advantages such as the ease of walking to many nearby places and being one of the most vibrant places in the city. However, we also say don't go through the reviews of hotels in this area because from time to time there are promotions for chain hotels like Hilton, Sheraton, Mariott, Hyatt. "Stay 3 nights, pay 2 nights" type promotion thanks to our last trip to the 40th floor of the Times Square Hilton. We had a chance to stay in a room on the floor. If you come across a similar promotion or fits your budget, we strongly recommend hilton, we are very pleased.

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